Friday, July 01, 2005

To Bid or Not to Bid

No different than the movie 'To Be or Not to Be' in terms of the comical twists and turns is the decision to bid or not to bid for a project. I guess every organization goes through the rigorous process of evaluating pros and cons of the bid or no bid decision. Rigorous in terms of time lost, energy spent... Definitely! A signficant time is spend in exchanging emails ( infact sometimes the email trail looks like a chapter of Adam Smith 'Wealth of Nations'. The book has just 1200 pages) expressing benefits or pitfalls of going after an opportunity. There are participants who are flip flops and justify every new decision based on a new insight into the context of the decision. There are participants who think it is important to be on the other side of the table to make the process more challenging, more prolonged, more fun. And I guess that is where the rigor of the process is!!!. There are players in this process who sit on the periphery and wait for a decision! Ahh smart people !!! And Alas a decision is made which appears final But Wait.. there is new information, new perspective..Hold On ..Here we go again. In Indian mythology a cat has 9 lives but the bid-no-bid.. beats it hands down. Till the next To Bid-or No Bid saga, I just smile

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