Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neil Moore: You will remain in our minds and hearts

Ever since I heard the news of shocking, untimely death of Neil Moore (our Project Manager in South Dakota), on Saturday evening, I have been in a state of disbelief. It was a tragic and an unfortunate day. It has been immensely challenging to come to grip with the fact that Neil is no more with us. Neil was a remarkable individual and a great personality with a lot of composure and self-belief. I developed a deep sense of appreciation for his demeanor and approach to work as I worked directly with him in the last 6 months. His candor and his openness to employees was a refreshing change and his uncanny ability to think through a problem or an issue was indeed commendable. As I reflect on this loss to the CNSI family, I want to extend my sincerest sympathies to Neil’s family and I wish them heart and courage to bear and overcome this huge loss.

I am sure the actual SD project team members will have tons of stories and events that they experienced working closely with Neil on ground in South Dakota. I strongly encourage each of them to share their stories as a remembrance to Neil and his unwavering commitment and dedication to State of South Dakota and SD MMIS project.